Legacy of the Damned - Return of the Fallen Empire
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Legacy of the Damned - Return of the Fallen Empire
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Legacy of the Damned - Return of the Fallen Empire
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Legacy of the Damned - Return of the Fallen Empire

Legacy of the Damned - Return of the Fallen Empire by Witch-King on Hiveworkshop.com
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 Soldiers and Members.

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Posts : 42
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-09-27
Location : fckin' n00b

Soldiers and Members. Empty
PostSubject: Soldiers and Members.   Soldiers and Members. I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 9:24 am


Squad 1: Knight
Squad 2: Warrior
Squad 3: Warrior
Squad 4: Warrior
Squad 5: Warrior
Squad 6: Warrior
Squad 7: Warrior
Squad 8: Knight
Squad 9: Knight
Squad 10: Knight

Every band exists 100 soldiers.

Nobles: Urunas Family, leading a coalication of small Nobles.
Leaders: Sir Anat and Maggrath.
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